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Troubleshooting Prompt Issues

If you encounter issues with your AI assistant, the prompt might need refinement. Here’s how to address common problems:

Common Issues:

  • AI Not Responding Appropriately:

    • Review your prompt for clarity and specificity.
    • Ensure that the RAG context is correctly set up and connected.
  • Unexpected Responses:

    • Check if the AI is using the correct prompt template.
    • Consider refining your prompt or adding few-shot examples.

For further assistance, join our Discord group.


The Prompt Playground in VAKStudio is a powerful tool for customizing and optimizing the behavior of your AI assistant. By understanding how to create and configure prompts, add RAG context, and utilize few-shot prompting, you can significantly enhance the performance and relevance of your AI applications.

Key Points to Remember

  • Prompts Define Behavior: They guide the AI on how to respond.
  • RAG Context Enhances Relevance: Fetches information from your Vector Database.
  • Default Templates Provide a Starting Point: Use them or create custom prompts.
  • Few-Shot Prompting Improves Accuracy: Provides examples for the AI to follow.
  • Testing is Crucial: Regularly test and refine your prompts for optimal performance.