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The InputPrompt Node is a critical component in the VAKFlow ecosystem, serving as the primary input node within workflows. This node is designed to load prompt templates that have been created in the Prompt Playground, allowing users to inject pre-defined prompts into their workflows. The InputPrompt Node is particularly useful for initiating LLM-based processes where specific instructions or contextual prompts are required. Unlike other nodes in VAKFlow, the InputPrompt Node does not have any tunable parameters, focusing solely on delivering the prompt content into the workflow. This node is directly connected to the LLM node, enabling the smooth flow of information and context into the LLM for processing.

Functionality of the InputPrompt Node

The InputPrompt Node functions as the entry point for prompt templates within a VAKFlow workflow. It is designed to work seamlessly with the Prompt Playground, where users can create and customize prompts that guide the behavior of LLMs in the workflow. The primary role of the InputPrompt Node is to deliver these prompts into the workflow, ensuring that the LLM receives the necessary instructions or context for generating outputs.

Difference between "Prompt" & "InputPrompt"

The InputPrompt Node differs from the Prompt Node in that it cannot accept input from other nodes. The Prompt Node, however, can receive input from the LLM or other nodes, allowing it to serve as intermediate node in a workflow.

Connection with Other Nodes

  • LLM Node: The InputPrompt Node is directly connected to the LLM Node. This connection allows the LLM to receive the prompt content from the InputPrompt Node, along with any additional context provided by other nodes such as the VectorEmbeddings Node.

  • VectorEmbeddings Node: If the prompt template requires context, the InputPrompt Node can be connected to the VectorEmbeddings Node. This setup enables the workflow to enrich the input prompt with relevant contextual information before it is passed to the LLM.

Workflow Example:

  1. The InputPrompt Node loads a prompt template created in the Prompt Playground.
  2. If additional context is required, the node connects to a VectorEmbeddings Node to enrich the prompt.
  3. The enriched prompt is then passed to the LLM Node, which processes the information and generates an output.

This configuration ensures that the LLM is provided with well-structured and contextually relevant prompts, leading to more accurate and meaningful outputs.

Use Cases

The InputPrompt Node is versatile and can be applied in various scenarios where predefined prompts are necessary to guide LLM behavior. Some key use cases include:

  1. Customer Support Automation:

    • Scenario: Automating responses to customer inquiries using predefined support templates.
    • Implementation: The InputPrompt Node loads specific support prompts, which are enriched with customer data via the VectorEmbeddings Node and processed by the LLM to generate personalized responses.
  2. Content Generation:

    • Scenario: Generating articles, blogs, or other written content based on predefined templates.
    • Implementation: The InputPrompt Node provides the initial content structure, which the LLM then expands upon, potentially using additional context from other nodes.
  3. Training and Education:

    • Scenario: Creating interactive educational content where prompts guide the learning process.
    • Implementation: The InputPrompt Node feeds instructional prompts into the workflow, which the LLM uses to generate explanations, questions, or feedback for learners.

Workflow Integration

The InputPrompt Node plays a crucial role in the overall VAKFlow workflow by initiating the process with structured prompts. It seamlessly integrates with other nodes to create a dynamic and contextually rich workflow, ensuring that the LLM operates effectively and produces high-quality outputs.

Optimizing InputPrompt Node Performance

The performance of the InputPrompt Node is largely influenced by the quality and relevance of the prompts created in the Prompt Playground. To optimize its performance:

  1. Design Clear and Specific Prompts:

    • Ensure that prompts are clear, concise, and tailored to the specific use case. Ambiguity in prompts can lead to inaccurate or irrelevant LLM outputs.
  2. Incorporate Relevant Context:

    • Use the Prompt Playground to define how context will be integrated into prompts. This might involve connecting the InputPrompt Node to the VectorEmbeddings Node to ensure that the LLM has access to all necessary information.
  3. Test and Iterate:

    • Regularly test the prompts within the workflow to ensure they produce the desired results. Iterative refinement based on feedback and performance metrics can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the InputPrompt Node.

Best Practices

  • Leverage Prompt Templates: Make full use of the Prompt Playground to create and refine prompt templates. Well-crafted templates are key to the successful operation of the InputPrompt Node.
  • Integrate Context Wisely: Use the VectorEmbeddings Node judiciously to add context only where necessary. Overloading prompts with unnecessary context can complicate the LLM's processing and lead to less accurate results.
  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure that prompts are consistent in tone and structure, particularly in workflows where the LLM generates outputs for customer-facing applications.


The InputPrompt Node is an essential component in VAKFlow, providing a reliable and efficient means of delivering structured prompts into LLM workflows. By leveraging the capabilities of the Prompt Playground and effectively integrating the InputPrompt Node with other nodes like the LLM and VectorEmbeddings Nodes, users can create powerful, contextually rich workflows that drive high-quality LLM outputs. Whether for customer support, content generation, or educational applications, the InputPrompt Node is a foundational tool that helps bring structured, guided prompts into the VAKFlow environment, enabling a wide range of AI-driven solutions.