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REST API Integration

In addition to embedding the chatbot into your application using scripts, you can interact with your deployed chatbot using the REST API. This allows for more advanced integrations, including custom logic and streamed output.

Example API Request

The following example demonstrates how to interact with the REST API by sending a request and streaming the chatbot's response.

API Request

var flowID = "Your_flowID";  // Replace with your VAKFlow ID
var sessionID = "Random-Session-ID"; // Unique session identifier
var message = "User-message"; // The message you want to send to the AI assistant

{ method: 'GET' }
).then(response => {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let accumulatedContent = ''; // Accumulate content

return processText({ done, value }) {
if (done) return;

const decodedText = decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
const lines = decodedText.trim().split("\n");

for (let line of lines) {
if (line.startsWith("data: ")) {
const jsonString = line.slice(6); // Remove the "data: " prefix

try {
const jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString);

if (jsonData.content) {
const decodedContent = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(jsonData.content)));
accumulatedContent += decodedContent;
console.log("Accumulated Content: ", accumulatedContent);

if (jsonData.isStreamFinished) {
reader.cancel(); // Close the stream
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to parse JSON:", error);


Configuring Authorized Domains for Integration

To ensure these integration methods work outside of VAKStudio, you must first configure the deployment by adding authorized domains. Without this configuration, the APIs will not function properly.