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CSV Data Preparation

Pre-processing data in CSV format is a critical step when creating vector embeddings, particularly when using models like OpenAI's text-embedding-3-small or text-embedding-3-large. Proper data preparation ensures that the embeddings generated are of high quality and relevant to your specific application, such as a chatbot. This guide will walk you through best practices, precautions, and optimization techniques for CSV data pre-processing.

Understanding CSV Format Data​

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are structured data files that store tabular data in plain text. Each row in a CSV file represents a data entry, and each column represents a specific attribute or feature of that data. Pre-processing CSV data involves:

  • Cleaning the text data to remove any irrelevant information.
  • Formatting the data to ensure consistency.
  • Optimizing the data to reduce unnecessary token usage and enhance embedding quality.

Cleaning and Preparing Input Data​

1. Remove Unnecessary Characters​

  • Punctuation: Strip out unnecessary punctuation that does not add value to the text.
    • Example:
      • Before: "Hello!!! This is a test..."
      • After: "Hello This is a test"
  • Special Characters: Remove special characters or emojis unless they carry specific meaning relevant to the context.
    • Example:
      • Before: "Product description: Amazing quality!!! πŸ’―"
      • After: "Product description Amazing quality"

2. Normalize Text​

  • Lowercasing: Convert all text to lowercase to maintain uniformity.
    • Example:
      • Before: "This is a Test."
      • After: "this is a test"
  • Remove Stop Words: While not always necessary, consider removing common stop words (like "the", "and", "is") if they do not contribute to the semantic meaning.
    • Example:
      • Before: "The cat is on the mat."
      • After: "cat mat"

3. Handling Null or Missing Values​

  • Impute or Remove: Decide whether to impute missing values (e.g., filling with a placeholder like "N/A") or remove the row entirely.
    • Example:
      • Before: "John, 29, N/A, Developer"
      • After: "John, 29, No Data, Developer"

4. Standardize Data​

  • Date Formats: Convert all date formats to a consistent structure.
    • Example:
      • Before: "12/31/2023" or "31-12-2023"
      • After: "2023-12-31"
  • Numerical Data: Ensure numerical data is in a consistent format (e.g., no commas in large numbers).
    • Example:
      • Before: "1,000,000"
      • After: "1000000"

Handling Different Column Values​

1. Text Columns​

  • Concatenate Relevant Text Columns: If multiple text columns exist, consider concatenating them into a single column.
    • Example:
      • Columns: "Title: How to Learn Python", "Description: A comprehensive guide"
      • Concatenated: "How to Learn Python: A comprehensive guide"

2. Categorical Columns​

  • Label Encoding or Mapping: Convert categorical values into a consistent format or use label encoding if necessary.
    • Example:
      • Before: "Red, Green, Blue"
      • After: "1, 2, 3"

3. Numerical Columns​

  • Normalization: Normalize numerical columns to a similar scale if they will influence text embeddings.
    • Example:
      • Before: "Age: 25, 40, 65"
      • After: "Age: 0.38, 0.61, 1.00" (assuming min-max scaling)

4. Handling Mixed Data Types​

  • Convert Numbers in Text: Convert numerical representations in text to words or maintain them based on relevance to the context.
    • Example:
      • "5 stars" & "5th Avenue" could remain as is, while 3 Apples should remain numeric. Convert numbers to words if the numerical value has a qualitative meaning that might be better understood by the model as text.

Optimal Data Size in Each Row​

1. Managing Length of Text​

  • Token Limits: Ensure that each row's text does not exceed the model's token limit. This might mean splitting longer texts into smaller chunks.
    • Example:
      • "This is a very long text that might exceed the token limit..."
      • Split into multiple rows or keep it under a certain token limit, e.g., "This is a very long text..." and "might exceed the token limit..."

2. Optimal Text Length​

  • Brevity vs. Completeness: Keep text concise but ensure it is complete enough to capture necessary context.
    • Example:
      • "Python is a versatile language." is better than "Python versatile." as it provides context.

Optimizing for Token Usage​

1. Token Efficiency​

  • Avoid Redundant Text: Remove repetitive or redundant information that does not add value.
    • Example:
      • Before: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps."
      • After: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

2. Text Structuring​

  • Use Clear Sentence Structures: Structure text in clear, concise sentences to make it easier for the model to process.
    • Example:
      • Before: "Jumped over lazy, quick fox brown."
      • After: "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

3. Handling Synonyms and Abbreviations​

  • Consistency: Use consistent terminology across the dataset.
    • Example: Use "AI" consistently instead of alternating between "AI" and "Artificial Intelligence".

Handling Numerical Values​

1. Sorting Considerations​

  • Contextual Sorting: When sorting data numerically, maintain the context.
    • Example:
      • "John has 100 apples" should be treated differently from "100 people attended the meeting" based on the context in question answering.

2. Embedding Numerical Values​

  • Embedding Numbers as Text: Consider converting numbers to text if they carry specific semantic meaning.
    • Example:
      • Before: "3"
      • After: "three" if it’s relevant to understanding context, like "three years of experience."

General Best Practices​

1. Data Consistency​

  • Ensure that data across all rows and columns is consistent in format and structure to prevent discrepancies in embedding quality.

2. Data Validation​

  • Regularly validate your data after pre-processing to check for errors, inconsistencies, or misinterpretations.

3. Monitoring Token Usage​

  • Use tools to monitor token usage to optimize the cost and efficiency of embedding generation.

4. Handling Large Datasets​

  • Consider splitting large datasets into manageable batches for processing, especially if they approach the model's token limits.

5. Consider Context​

  • Ensure that the pre-processing step retains sufficient context for accurate embedding, especially for chatbot applications.


Example 1: Cleaning and Structuring Data​

IDRaw TextCleaned and Structured Text
1"Python, 3.9, released on 10/05/2021!!!""python version 3.9 released on 2021-05-10"
2"Awesome!!!! The new product is πŸ’― amazing.""the new product is amazing"
3"Revenue increased by 2.5% in Q2""revenue increased by 2.5 percent in q2"

Example 2: Optimal Text Length and Token Usage​

IDLong TextOptimized Text
1"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog multiple times in a day, showcasing agility.""The quick brown fox showcases agility by jumping over the lazy dog."
2"Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is revolutionizing industries across the world.""AI is revolutionizing industries globally."

Example 3: Handling Numerical Values for Sorting​

IDRaw TextOptimized for Embedding
1"John scored 98 out of 100 in the final exam.""John scored ninety-eight out of hundred in exam."
2"The company's revenue reached $5 million.""The company's revenue reached five million usd."

By following these pre-processing techniques and best practices, you can optimize your CSV data for generating high-quality embeddings. This will enhance the performance of your AI applications, especially in scenarios like chatbot interactions, where clarity and context are crucial.